Mann School in TGS is on the closure list for 2011. A small group of TGS residents have formed the Alliance to Preserve Mann school:
Stop into Hartford Coffee this Saturday between 10:30 and 12:00 and help keep Mann Elementary off the St. Louis Public Schools Closure List so that it can continue operating as a model neighborhood school. There are a few urgent and EASY things
that you can do with just a few minutes of your time.
If you only have ONE minute:
Sign our petition to take Mann off the closure list.
If you have TEN minutes:
Write a letter to your state legislators telling them that you want
stimulus money used for school renovation (instead of demolition and
new construction). Renovating our existing historic school buildings
saves money, saves resources, and preserves our community heritage.
We will have sample letters, envelopes, and stamps available for you
to use.
If you have TWENTY minutes or more:
Get a cup of coffee and a muffin and take a seat! We'd love to hear
about why Mann Elementary matters to you and what you think would help
convince the Special Administrative Board to remove it from the
Closure List. We can also give you materials (petition forms and
sample letters) so that you can help us with outreach on your block.
Members of the Alliance to Preserve Mann Elementary steering committee
will be at Hartford Coffee this Saturday, May 2nd, from 10:30 to
12:00. See you there!
Also, if you want to make sure you always receive Mann Elementary
updates, join our announcements listserve at: