
Hey Greg!

I saw your article. I've don't have your email or number please get in touch.

Marti's Memorial Garden

The Neighborhood Board, a group of people half my age, inherited The Marti Frumhoff Memorial Garden.
They appear unable to organize and care for it.
The last time I met with Jeff about the garden he complained, I could doing something else with my time!
I actually had to explain to him that volunteering is its own reward.

Over the years I also tolerated other dumfuckery such as, Was Marti your girlfriend?
No, she wasn't. She was however, a relentless volunteer.
This is how great it was looking in 2019.

Tell me a story about Mike Rancid

Asked Pist.
Me: What a dumbfuck. He once returned a bowl by placing it on the door threshold. When I opened the door it fell off the threshold and broke.
Pist: Whoa...How long do you give the marriage?
Me: Hahahahaha.
Me: Did I tell you he glued a framed photo to the PLASTER wall in the apartment
Pist: Ah...I'm giving the marriage less than 5.
Me: I raised the rent twice in one month to get him out.

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