
Bando Web. My studio

I can't destroy this lofty web in my studio which unnerves visitors. I appreciate the long hours of vision & design that the spider added to my space.
Also? My antique florentine window glass.

St Louis Noir # 261


Making Something out of Nothing

For years I walked alleys and train tracks staring at the pavement, the rocks, the grounds, steel tracks and its debris which I gathered and loaded into my pockets, so excited by the rust, shapes, possibilities and then I decided, Fuck Art, I'm going to Dance and make real money, making something out of nothing, yes, my name is Potion now, but I practiced it four decades ago, even as a child, you find this stuff, you know its potential its different that must be rescued and revered.
It was a dare of sorts, that challenge of change, the alchemy I could manifest.
I did.
Kept it all in a chest. Stored, I reveled in the rust dust that I added to paints. It was that precious to me.
I improved the alley by making it into jewelry.
The women who work for me as sales reps sold to galleries and museum gift shops. Within a year, I was everywhere.

The buyers didn't believe it was rusted pieces that I had upcycled. Not then. Not in the early 90s. Buyers complained to my sales reps. Don't lie, they cautioned, what is this?
Two reps called. Hey, these buyers are pissed, they think I'm lying.
OK, I said, OK, spin it as cast paper that I mixed with hand ground metals and mark it up by $15 a piece. Sales rocketed. One day a check for 3,256.00 from the Chicago Art Institute. Gift shop. Business swelled.

And then I bought a building.


The 7th Decade

Pist: Must you always wear your blouse misbuttoned? Me: It's buttoned!


My Brother the Actor

Who flies in every year for the CWE Halloween event out of sentiment.