

I heard about the hole in the wall from neighbors, forgot about it until I drove by today and WHOA! The report was a purple Saturn had plowed into the wall.

I meandered over to talk to the two hilarious guy working on it and quickly realized I'd met one of them before: Mark, a stone mason and one extraordinary character.

He told me about talking with the woman who lived in the apartment above the hole. She heard a car revving loudly (it was heading west on 38 Wyoming) with foot to the pedal and flying. By the time she got out of bed and looked out the window it was in the process of flying across Gustine and into her building. Talk about stroke material!

My conclusion: suicide attempt. (UPDATE: An email from 3rd District Capt Hoobs said that the driver lost control of the car and survived the impact).
Haven't heard a word about the driver but the car had to be towed out.


The building was hit so hard that foundation stones flew over nine feet into the basement.

I've heard that the foundations of our homes were two feet thick. I measured. They are.

See those strings running over the hole in the wall? That is the only way to lay brick or rebuild a stone wall to make it flush.

There was a point in the conversation with Mark that he took a closer look at me and asked if I was a stone mason also.

I've never been more flattered.


Paul said...

I live in a house built in 1893 in southcity, are all the foundations really two rows of stone like this?

Christian Herman said...
