Presenting a collection of St. Louis bricks, sidewalk markers, and the Fleur-de-lis as architectural detail on and in city buildings, brick collecting, urban exploration, and my life by Christian Herman. Reporting from Tower Grove South in St. Louis, MO
Photos & Text by Greg Michaud, photographer for Stars & Stripes. Reporting from the field. Viet Nam, 1969
You can see our mechanized units ruined their rice fields and even when I went out with infantry units we did not walk on the dikes because they could be mined, but crossed instead though the rice paddies, our feet constantly soaked in paddy water. Infantry did not do the damage of mechanized units, but damage nonetheless.
War equals death, that is what war is about, killing. It was hard to see soldiers die, as a photographer and constantly moving around I only knew soldiers in various units casually, if that, not as close friends. That probably made life easier in its own way, although the sense of isolation and being on my own had its problems. My major takeaway from Vietnam is respect for the many that have died protecting the freedom of America. It is real.
There have been, no surprise, lasting impacts upon my life. The one thing is that it has made me realize the depth of sacrifice in fighting for freedom entails. It seems war is a drug for humanity. The distant past had tribal warfare, city states conquered their surroundings and countries claimed land.
Through it all, citizens must speak up to have a voice and ensure their rights are respected and that the death of soldiers in war was not in vain. It is up to individuals to stay involved in their communities in whatever way they can to support freedom and democracy. That is the legacy of war.
An announcement was made about the next meeting scheduled for November 19th which will showcase neighborhood talent: artists, musicians and crafts people will be showing and have their work for sale. 10% of the sales will be donated to the block captain fund.
Jan Clinite
The 15th Ward Democrats.

Block Captain Kim Cole.
Still my hero.

Tim Garret, TGS resident talked about his gallery storefront that will be opening on Morgan Ford Road next month.

Jennifer Florida, 15th ward alderwoman, was excited to see me with a camera. Oh good, she said, I don't have a picture of me with Jeff

Mike Daus, (TGS homeboy) took the lead and talked about his responsibilities as State Rep for the 67th ward. /

Senator Jeff Smith looking more like a rock star then a politician.
Jeff talked about three recent bills; Social Security, Education, and the Economic Development Package - He voted in support of Paul McKee which will ensure he won't get reelected (according to word on the street)

Steve Smith of the Royale is in the back standing next to Jan Clinite.
Mike Colona is in the foreground, he's going to run for State Rep, 67th ward (Mike Daus will be termed out in '08)