Showing posts with label #Bellie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Bellie. Show all posts


Second Opinion

Bellie has terminal mast cell cancer and was given 2-5 months. She has a tumor on her leg that I missed over the winter under her fur coat. Today we're going for a second opinion: Is it too late for surgery? Her age is unknown, our best guess is 11 to 12 which is now a long life for a Golden. Golden's, due to inbreeding, now have a span of 8 years (according to one of her Hillside Vets). Golden's are at 80% for cancer. I live with such theatrical beauty. Some former Vet visit days. A worried Bellie rests her head on my ankle.

On being Golden

She impacts the light about her.


Never long enough

Whne Golden's press their forehead to their people it means, I love you.


Everybody's a Critic

I was singing some shows tunes today when I noticed the Stink Eye. It's OK, I know my signing voice is lousy.
