
Here's why

For the same reason the orange walks in northern ireland were spectacles of bigotry.
The ruling elite have their pride built into every institution of the society. In the case of america, it's white anglo-saxons.
You don't need to express your pride because you're not the victims of sytemic discrimination. Idiots.
Idiocy is underscored by saying "how come' instead of asking why.


Here's what we learned yesterday: A white cop can intentionally murder someone and not get life in prison.


Sick Day

The Vet kept talking about the tumor on my belly. I kept trying to go to her since she was saying my name!
My Mah'mm explained she calls me Bellie. I'm polite! If you say my name I will approach you as I've been instructed.
The Vet put a needle in my belly.
Maybe I don't like the Vet anymore I don't know.
The scale is a fun thing to ride but I hate the ride there.
I need some nap.


Thrift Karma

I'll sell it everntually but for now it's wonderful company or us.

My uncanny and magical Talent

I needed a small vintage light bulb for the base of my Empoli glass lamp. Two days later I found one in the Wild. I love the spot of solder on it!
My thrift mojo never fails me.


The Marriage - Holy Family Church

My mom and dad were married in the Holy Family Church rectory. They weren't allowed to be married in the church proper since my mother had only recently coverted to catholicism. Not that any of that had a damned thing to do with the Bible and everything to do with treating others differently.

Our Front Yard Garden