
The BJC Tower Cranes

I'm obsessed with the BJC Tower Cranes


Kat is a brilliant maker os sweaters and coats, all upcycled.
She sells on Etsy. Follow her everywhere.
View a tour of her house on youtube.
I bought my first sweater from her in 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90waX9wLcRY&ab_channel=TinyHouseGiantJourney


When instead on knocking your friend sends a selfie to let you know she's on the porch.



Last week I made a lot of bubbles to entertain myself. It was a five hour show with two guests.

I am a Dog Bed

We were cleaning after the Thanksgiving week of gathering when I fell prone to the sofa.
Dog taught humans many things inculding how to love and how to be sneaky.



Retractable Awning

A vintage retractable trailer awning on a home.
Considering how little sunlight this south facing house gets this was a brilliant idea.

Your Daily Golden Moment

Suicide house

I am claustrophobic.
This house is 11' wide with tiny windows on one side in the back and no windows on the other side.
That's becuase siding is cheaper than tuckpointing.
Somehow a staircase is inside this 'home'.
Spotted in The Grove just before I hit the gas and peeled rubber outa there.
It makes me want to start a fight so I'm staying inside today.
But check out what's to its left! They ran out of yellow paint and didn't destroy the porch.


My Daily Golden Moment

As soon as I recline on the sofa pillow she wraps herself around my head. I think this is because my communication center is on my head and she wants to be near my voice.

The Fifth Decade. 2012

Totally thick.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens

Cirrus over East St Louis

We rescue dogs

We rescue dogs without thinking of each other.
With zip ties, we attached a tree branch with limbs to a utility pole. We hang coats on it that we buy at the thrifts. We roll washed socks & gloves into the pockets.
You can also do this if inclined. Just watch the weather to avoid rain in the forecast.
Post a sign that says Free Coats.
Do not photograph yourself doing this. Don't make it about you.