
Whadda Weirdo. 2016

My Franz Kline pants

Smellie. 2018

Meramec River Club House

Our grandfather built a clubhouse on the river with his two sons. We spent our summers there as children swimming in the river and jumping over snakes along the path.
Every spring the beach changed due to flooding. At one time it was a wide open gravel bar. A tree had fallen into the river blocking water and creating a natural swimming hole for us. We called it The Log. My granddad fly fished off of it.
I recall this moment and my dad asking us to sit on the swing. I was two. It was too high for me so he placed me there next to my older sister. I look the same.


Your Daily Golden Moment

That day I arrived home and Ballet was happy she turned a series of small circles and stuck her nose up my sleeve :)

March 24, 2020. The Sixth Decade

My first hand made mask that took 5 hours of cutting and hand stitching. Freestyle mask with a setting that aappeared to be on suffocation.


Scraping siding

A house in East St Louis that had all of its siding stolen.

Helen Busch

Mom. Circa 1946

Enright and Goodfellow

My mom and her brother circa 1947 in front of their apartment on Enright and Goodfellow. I took her back about 35 years ago and the buildings were gone.
Looking at this photo I realize how much I looked like her in my 20s & 30s.
