Showing posts with label Bellie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bellie. Show all posts


Bellie. 2014

A week after I brought her home in 2014 from Dirks Fund. She weighed 38 pounds.
She was mostly bald. Her ears were infected. She had a tape worm. She needed her anal glands removed. She ate her poop. She chewed on herself. She had been severly beaten. Her nose was cut. She's never been inside a house. She ate dirt.
She had only recently been seperated from her last litter. Her puppies were taken from her.
She had the saddest eyes I've ever seen on a dog.
She's currently in remission.
She's the bravest animal I've ever known.


Your Daily Golden Moment x2

Oh hi!!!
My house is full of sparkly things. My mom collects pieces of fabric that she uses to make other stuff.
I like to shop in her srudio and play dress ups when I can grab a piece. I was going to pull some shiny off this piece that I dragged to my bed when you know who saw me.
I feigned sleep.

Your Daily Golden Moment

Bellie loves the mail man


St Louis Golden

Number One Daughter and her first encounter with water which was interesting. She couldn't see it but she could smell and hear it. She dipped a paw into what she deduced was there.


Bellie to the Rescue

Vet appointment on Saturday for a look at a possible new tumor when Bellie heard a puppy crying.
While working in the yard a few years I cried in pain when I dropped a rock on my foot. Bellie came running to help me.
It was fascinating to see her reaction and her kindness. The universe has blessed me with great fortune and beautiful dogs.