Showing posts with label Creature Feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creature Feature. Show all posts


Baby Mourning Dove

At first it ran after me and perched on my shoe.
once home again I gave it a ride on the shovel to the front yard. It rode. I placed it under a hosta and it ran after me!


Hollywood sale

This sold to Hollywood actress in Orange is the new Black. Ever since that Orry Kelly Necktie to a sweet swell on the board of the Heart Mansion my LA business bolted. I thank ye!



Photos of Bellie by our Airbnb guest, photographer Ken Mostek. He remains a treasured friend.



This summer I was dead heading the clematis vines when two wrens decided to go Kill Bill on my ass. I have enough problems with batshit mockingbirds so I really wasn't in the mood to rumble. That's right, I backed off. Not that I turned my back, I just respectfully retreated.

A few days ago I found this empty nest in the vines.
The birds had lined their nest with plastic.



Last night I was sitting here at my desk minding my own business when suddenly this mammoth bug came in for a landing. Freaking monster. I'm used to such hijinks in my life, 'funny' stuff happens daily. Ask Tim and he'll tell you I'm a magnet for The Weird. I was once referred to (in print!) as 'Gods register on earth for the marginals' so it must be me...

Why was it in my house, does an insect like this need to conduct business indoors?

It's dead. I caught it with a plastic bag and it expired over night. I believe it was on its last leg anyway (see photo) so don't razz me about killing the creature.

Lights out!