Showing posts with label McPherson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McPherson. Show all posts


The McPherson House

My former CWE residence is for sale.
This Federal style, 16 room mansion is where I adventured for over a decade.
I published Velocity there, had a huge studio on the first floor, a garden in the yard, and the entire third floor.
Int he fall and winter hundreds of crows roosted in the back yard tree tops.
Armin was usually with me.
I travelled extensively and spent smonths at a time in SF. I maintained the house for the owner so I didn't pay rent.
I moved 26 years ago and am saddeded to see its current condition. Especially the third floor roof damage and the brick blow out on the east wall.
And, that kitchen.
What I loved best was the pair of massive hinges on the vestibule doors.
These aren't my photos but the realtor's.