

I had just slid into my black trench coat.
Pist: Heading out to shoot up a high school?


The Sixth Decade

That cowlick has dominated the top of my life for 67 years.

My Familiar

When the crows lifts a wing I can hear the distinct rustling of each feather. There's a whisk, brush, crispness to the sound, oddly weighted even though the crow is perhaps 15 ounces.
I had gathered acorns yesterday and placed them on the mantle as a gift.
This morning he scattered them, seemingly oblivious, doing one of his double hops.
A few moments ago he smartly snapped his wing for attention.
Yes, I asked.
Say, he said, I've an idea, let's go bowling today.
I can't. Bellie is going to the groomer and I'll be working.
His wings droop with hurt.
I flick one of the acorns beneath his feet as he hops and he laughs merrily.
Do it again, he shouts, Again! Again!
I roll another acorn towards his feet.
This is how we bowl.


Super crazy 70s Peter Max knockoff scarf by DC socialite Frankie Welch.

Your Daily Golden Moment

The Most Shoes

I worked in the Industry for 14 years so there. You know, back when the US had industry.

Bow down!

1974 Ford Gran Torino Elite.