
Red Imperial Carnival Glass

VERY rare.
I find these pieces in The Wild. The most I've ever spent on a platter was 9.99. Sold for $275. That iridescent glaze reflects bent light onto our ceiling :)

Found in The Wild

Last week I scored this stunning Empoli glass table lamp. Mass manufactured in the 50s to 60s and imported from Italy.
This baby is getting a new/old parchment shade next week. There's a seller on Etsy making 50s shades and they are killer.
Found near a 60s Silver ombre Queen's Lusterware barware set in unsued condition. Chrome caddy.


Guinea Hens in The Big Freeze of Feb 2021

From a friend in St Joe MO.
I keep telling her they look pissed and that she should let them inside but NO! This is stalking via the window sill. Mega Stick Eye!
Not my photo.

The Orry-Kelly Necktie

I pulled this out of my necktie stash one day and fainted dead away after seeing Orry-Kelly on its back. WHere did I find it? I don't recall. But I can guarantee this is the only Orry-Kelly that was left in the world. he had won three Academy Awards for Best Costume Design and was an early lover of Gary Grant.
I way underpriced this necktie at $300 so someone deserving could buy it.
It went to a man who is on one of the Boards of the Heasrt Mansion.
The things that I find and am able to hold before passing them along.
Over 100 years old, this necktie was made in New York.

In The Wild

A gorgeous Venetian/Murano lampwork bead necklace found for 2.99
An Edwardian platinum pink glass necklace for 1.99. It has mine cut diamonds and real seed pearls.
And, thousands of vintage neckties that have all made their way through my hands and onto the movie industry.
A red Prystal Bakelite bangle that I found for .89.
The 40s ties are grand but it's the Post Modern Memphis Group design ties that slay me!

Bando St Louis Industry

50s anodized aluminum trim!
From the days when we had Industry.

Brick Road in East St Louis

A wide, smooth as glass, brick boulvard in East STL. Guess why it's never been paved?


We almost bought this Victorian Manse

It had been on the market for two years in Belleville, IL. We didn't liked the addition or the commercial zoning.
But sweet baby jesus, that facade and square tower with the hal shell!


A hobby

Bellie is ambitious and has an interest in archaeology.
Her recent dig went so deep I could only see her wagging tail from the hole.
In the hole she experiences rabid abandonment, a gleefulness usually manifested in a younger dog but when she was younger she was forced to be a mother at a camp.
Now puppyness is a frolicsome adventure of slinging mud about the yard while killing my prized hostas and the gentle ferns.
There's something down there she must have.
Perhaps a lost marble shooter. A snoozing beetle. Certainly not a forgotten bone from the other (RIP) dogs, no, they were mannered and did not dirty their paws.
When called Belle rapidly ascends, glances at the yard, gets her bearings, and flies through the door wanting to be in my arms.
She reeks and is dirty this little smelly Bellie.

Here she hid my slipper or maybe ate it and isn't embarrassed to request some yogurt.


The Convalescent Room

Just prior to my TKR surgery we draped the bedroom with some of my massive vintage doily collection to provide a cheerful environment. It was lovely.
Quilt by Gen Obata.


Custom order

Headed to L.A. Prior to Covid 80% of my cusotmer base was southern CA, studios, movie industry, and stars :/
I can't drop customer names however a hyper rare Orry Kelly necktie went to a man....no, I still can't. But that Orry Kelly Necktie was most likely the only of his neckties to have survived.

Custom order

Detail of a belt for a bride.