Sarah came to visit over the holidays and suggested we go to Uncle Bill's. Now she's back in NY working on a masters in Neuroscience while this rocket scientist realizes I neglected to take a photo of her.
Love you, Sarah!
The corner of the building is actually an angle so the bricks cut a corner (my frst brick joke.)

Original mortar.

Wall sculpture in the Ladies

Then we took a walking tour.

Sarah thought this was a bricked in window but it's original to the building.
The brick bonds in K. Hills are superb.

What makes this building exceptional (other than the
crazy brick bonds) is the popped out front that encloses the front doors. The first floor tenant gets the extra bonus of a stained glass window in the entry.

The copper roof rocks too.

Pop Quiz: Name the various courses of brick used on this house (no reading ahead).

Help me decide which is better, the herringbone brick bond or the leaded glass window.

Kennard School with its intricate glazed terra cotta.

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