

Late last night I woke to loud arguing and screaming.
I've been sleeping on the couch with Belle since our bedroom is so cold. Being closer to the street I listened intently wondering if someone was being beaten.
As I listened I realized the sounds were coming from Belle's belly.
Her head was also creating sounds: sighs, moans, yipping, opinions, yawns, recollections, and plans.
Her feet paddled against my feet.
The bed was vibrating.
Pillows levitated.
This morning she woke rife with resentment.
She hadn't been outside in 12 hours yet resisted my pulling at her feet to get her out of bed.
She kicked at me, eventually slid off the couch, glared over her shoulder at me, and headed to the door.
Back inside I cleaned the little snowballs that had collected in her webbed feet.
She declined to acknowledge this effort, waived breakfast, and headed back to the couch where she dramatically sighed before jumping onto the cushions.
Princess, I whispered behind her back.

Still Gone


Me: I'm headed out for a road trip today.
Pist: You have a shopping problem.
Me: ( jubilant) I have a shopping adventure.
Pist: You have FOMO.
Me: Well....

Later at the flea market I spy a woman shopping with her husband.
Me: You have a man that shops with you!?
Her: Yes! And he's so good looking. I tell him he's lucky I like shopping here and not at Macy's.
Me: Wow. You have the life.


Bllvll Ialianate

I wanted this building two years ago. It had been on the market for 2.5 years. At the time it was a modest 250K. I couldn't justify its scale or its steps : / I felt Pist holding me back by my coat tails every time I leaned towards it.


Stone and Mortar Wall

3654 S Grand Blvd

Ikebana via the 50s

From one of the books in my coolection. I've recreated this piece. Tall grass was used.I wonder if its influence was a barkcloth design.


Found in the Wild

Barely worn Cole Hahn's. SO DREAMY.


It was a place of missing floor boards and waning enchantment. A hard place with no reflective surfaces. A mirror was frosted with dust.
Every single thing was broken. It was the prose of abandonment, a story with a narrative that's always spinning but never changing.
Being the shortest person in the group I was handed a small flashlight from a man's hand. Doll size.
I let it fall.
The scents of rotting wood, urine, and spilled beer in this place.
This is how I became haunted.


I'd been itching to ride in a Hearse

Aaron's 1979 Cadillac Hearse. We rode. We dined. I told Aaron the glove compartment cover had ghost imagery.

The Former AirBnB

It was a gallery that was always changing.


Doing 55 in a 54.

The Tea Party

Lefton China Tea Set found in The Wild for $25 and sold for $500.
This spring and summer I'll be hosting smallish afternoon tea parties in my tea house. With my own set on a stunning table covered with vintage crochet.


Any Advice?

I've a massive vintage doily colelction. MASSIVE. My favorites are the colorful of which I've hundreds.
If you've any notions as to how I can display them please let me know.
I've stitched them to a lace curtain. I'm placed them in hoops in my front doorway. I've draped them on tables.
I don't want to do a valance or more curtains because the colors fade in sunlight.
Let me know?


The Winner!

12 foot tall privacy fence.

It's all about that Door Hinge

And the woven window on the speakeasy door.

1980s Tea length Tissue Lame Formal

This made me faint when I met it. When I recovered I fell into a coma.
It's entirely too fabulous. Tissue lame is SO difficult to sew that it requires a ball point needle. I just want to roll around in it.