I take Beau over to the tracks under Morgan Ford to let him run. On this particular early spring day a train came chugging down the tracks. Beau was on one side of the train, I was on the other. Panicked that he would get hit, I tried to cross to his side. The train guys saw us and stopped the train so I could cross!
Then this guy mildly scolded me for being on private property.

This area was once a spur to the main tracks, the rails have been removed. Now it's a dumping area and a trail that I walk with Beau.

Beau's native name is Running Cloud.

This is a rural area in the heart of the Tower Grove South neighborhood that is progressively becoming one massive dump.

I stopped counting at fifty tires.

Looking west towards Kingshighway. Home Depot is on the left.

Looking east to the Morgan Ford Bridge.

Tree growing in retaining wall.
Just try to stop nature!

Graffiti is everywhere and sometimes with mysterious messages. Accompanying the uninspired graffiti, hundreds of empty paint cans.

Say this word and every adolescent boy giggles, grown men become focused and feminists scowl.

Stale horse

St Louis is just like Compton.
(Sure, cause no one changes their style of graffiti lettering)

My favorite:
Revenge. I know 2 much.

The red arrow points to a huge open field that is seldom used yet mowed. Sometimes I see people playing soft ball there. I'm guessing it's five acres.

Pumice rocks scored from along the tracks. Photo'd on a railroad tie.

Decades ago, quartz rocks were dumped along the tracks. I still find them under the newer granite and pumice (lighter to haul) that gets dumped.

I took these photos primarily for my friend Marti Frumhoff before her untimely death.
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